Friday, May 14, 2010

Terra Cotta Pot Bird Feeders


large terra cotta pot bottom
medium terra cotta pot
2 medium sized wooden balls with holes
paint brush
strong adhesive, glue gun

OPTIONAL: beads, paper, decoupage

1. Start by painting your terra cotta pots and the wooden balls. Allow to dry.
2. If you are a talented painter, or would like your children to do it, you can decorate your pots with designs. If you are like me and can't draw or paint, you may choose to decoupage some paper onto it. If you decide to take this route, I suggest cutting the paper into triangles or squares and overlapping them. Put the decoupage on both sides and keep overlapping until you have your desired look. Allow to dry.
3. Take your wire ( I used about 1 yard and cut off the excess after I was done with the whole process) and stick one end through the wooden ball. String the wooden ball all the way to the middle of the wire. Then take both ends of the wire and insert them into the large opening of the pot and through the little hole on the bottom of the terra cotta pot until the ball is up against the pot. (see picture for clarification). Then take the two wires and insert into the second ball. Bring ball down until it is at the bottom of the terra cotta pot. There should now be one ball in the inside of the pot and one on the other side all connected with the same wire.
4. Take your extra strong adhesive, or glue gun, and apply to the large open rim of the terra cotta pot. Quickly stick it to the center of the large terra cotta pot bottom. Let dry.
5. If you choose, add some beads to the wire and tie a knot at the top.
6. Add some bird seed and hang! Let the birds enjoy and start your bird watching.

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